Friday, August 12, 2016

Creating Classroom Climate Part 1- Get Branded!

Who doesn't love a good makeover? For me, there's nothing like a few 'before and after' photos to light the candle of inspiration! When your classroom is your canvas, exciting new masterpiece makeovers can happen whenever the mood strikes. Since I'm a teacher, I am fully invested in making a safe, cheerful, happy learning environment in which my students can enter.  But to me, it's even more than that. I believe in "branding" my classroom.

Branding is such a part of our culture, we don't even think about it. It's second nature to associate thoughts and feelings with products and places.  Certain jingles, catch phrases, and pictures/symbols actually play a part in our decision-making processes (like what to buy or where to go) because of the emotions and thoughts that are evoked as a result of our past experiences. As an educator, I have the distinct honor and responsibility to influence the thoughts and feelings of my students and their families in a positive way. It helps me when I focus on answering questions related to my priorities.  
*What kind of emotion do I want to evoke in students and their family members when they enter the classroom?
*How can I communicate my teaching philosophy?
*What do I want them to identify with when I establish communication?
*How can I create a meaningful connection with them that will be the beginning of a strong rapport between home and school?
It all starts with my brand.

Maybe you're a teacher but the idea of branding your classroom is new to you. Choosing a slogan, theme, and décor are tangible ways to communicate your brand. Of course, it goes much deeper than that. It should also reflect your attitude toward teaching and what you value in education...even your vision and journey as a professional. Ideally, your teaching vision should fuel your brand.

Just today, I put the finishing touches on my 2016-2017 classroom. (The first day of school is one week away!)  I created the slogan Room to Bloom for my Pre-K classroom and that phrase will be shared weekly newsletters, home mailings, text reminders, my class Facebook group, etc.
 I want my students and families to associate this year's school experience with planting ideas, a nurturing environment, budding friendships, growing as a community, exposure to background building experiences, blossoming with new knowledge and abilities, fostering pride in creativity and accomplishments, and being rooted in confidence and a healthy view of themselves and others. When they hear the phrase Room to Bloom, I intend for them to understand all those goals and values and give students and their families a sense of peace and trust in me as their teacher.

When you have chosen your special brand, the next step is deciding how you will reinforce it.  It was like a game for me to scour discount and craft stores for all the things to make my classroom blossom into a happy place, you guys!  I'm also a big fan of Melanie Rabulsky at, so I purchased her 'Garden Party!' and 'Bug Classroom Theme' design packages to help me set the stage for preschoolers in our Room to Bloom. How can you go wrong with bright, cheerful colors,  and cute crawly critters, right?! I just download, edit, and print out the resources I need without the waste of buying prepackaged items from the store that always include parts I don't use. She has so many kid-friendly themes and quality designs, you have to check it out. It's awesome!

Previous experience has taught me that preschool-aged  boys and girls love nature walks, growing plants, picking flowers and investigating insects. I am excited to capitalize on those interests as I share my teaching vision and guide them to be lifelong learners through my daily interactions in an atmosphere that encourages creativity and wonder. It's essential that kids have an organized place that allows for easy access to different centers and space to display their creations and projects. Hopefully, you will also get a sense of this approach from the pictures I took throughout the makeover process. So without further ado, let's get to those photos!

Before- green cabinets
After- cabinets covered in contact paper 
Before- classroom library
After- Our Reading Garden!

Before- SB wall; After- with our new slogan and posters

Here's an overview of the setup of the classroom. 

*In my next blog, I plan to write about another very important aspect of creating a classroom climate when I post about how to have a successful Open House to introduce students and parents to the exciting year to come!  I LOVE to adapt to my class' needs, execute a successful brand to start the year, and enjoy the opportunities and rewards of teaching!