Sunday, January 6, 2019

Moving Forward

Fresh start. Clean slate. Dawn of a new day.
Whatever phrase you like to use, the transition to a new year holds the promise of moving forward. One of the best ways to create the capacity to do just that is taking life inventory in the form of honest self-evaluation by looking at the year we just lived. That single act allows us to learn from our mistakes/losses and capitalize on our wins. Honesty is admitting it is better to face it than fake it. It doesn't have to be complicated.  In fact, the hack I use is just answering two questions:

What worked?  

What didn't work?

It didn't take me long to come up with my two lists for evaluating 2018. When I shine the light on those things, it generates momentum for progress. Progress = moving forward!

-Ignoring what my body tells me it needs
-Squeezing too many life changes into one summer
-Procrastinating on paperwork, doctor's appointments, housecleaning (basically everything I put off)
-Comparing myself to others
-Holding on to unrealistic expectations

-Implementing new habits by taking small steps
-Moving to a different house that better fits our family's lifestyle
-Delegating more household tasks to the boys
-Establishing purposeful morning and evening routines
-Taking risks professionally
-Using select podcasts as resources for self-improvement

As it stands, my reflection on those answers is hugely helpful in creating awareness and setting goals. But I can still take it to another level by sharing what I've learned... the positive and the negative  (what I want to see a repeat of and what I want to let go). There is something about being authentic in the realities of our lives that frees us to take the next steps. Our authenticity can then lead to accountability.  It is truly amazing the forward movement that can happen when we have the understanding and support of others. That only comes with making ourselves accountable.
I recently heard Emily P. Freeman encourage the idea of seasonal reflection in her podcast "The Next Right Thing" and I am totally on board with this.  I mean, why wait until 2020 rolls around to be honest about what's working and what's not, right?   I love this idea! In just three months I can do a winter reflection and be that much further along in my journey. There's nothing to lose in an honest reflection no matter what time of year it is!

As we welcome the new year in all its glorious potential, I hope we can all follow through on our plans for moving forward and are able to say that we truly enjoyed progress in our journey to create some joy. Best wishes in 2019!