Thursday, January 7, 2016

Peacock Ponderings - Symbols and Such

I have a thing for peacocks. Is that weird? It doesn't matter. I just think they're cool. From their unusual feather design, to their pretty turquoise blue, they're like a mashup of regal and mystical. But there's more than that to my fascination and the reason I have a peacock feather visual on this blog...

My first time seeing a peacock up close was at the zoo where he was strutting across the grassy hills in between other animal exhibits. Just free and proud as could be. I seriously thought he was going to come up and let me pet him, he was so close. And I know it was a 'he' because the males are the colorful ones. (I later learned females are called peahens. That knowledge is going to come in handy for you in a round of trivia someday. You're welcome.) He splayed out his beautiful feathers and called to me with a trilling little "Caw, caw, caw, caw!" and I was a goner. I would have gladly taken him home with me and started a peacock farm, but the zoo people frown on that sort of thing.

When it came time to update the living room furnishings a while back, I found my inspiration piece at Pier One Imports. Any guesses as to what it was? Yep-a peacock pillow! Which led to a metal peacock sculpture, which led to a large vase of peacock feathers, and an organic peacock wreath. And headed just to the edge of going too far- a peacock feathered star for my Christmas tree topper. (Had to make that one myself, y'all- surprised?)
Here are a few of my favorite things...

Lots of animals have come to symbolize an idea or characteristic because of their unique traits. I wondered... "Does the peacock signify anything special?" How awesome to learn that because of their ability to replace their feathers every year, peacocks symbolize rebirth and renewal. In my faith, I absolutely cling to the hope of being remade from the inside out! I love the Bible verse that says "That's why we are not discouraged. No, even if outwardly we are wearing out, inwardly we are being renewed each and every day." (2 Cor. 4:6) I stand in need of daily renewal, and Jesus shows His faithfulness by keeping His promise. The Message says it this way, "So we're not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without His unfolding grace." Such. Powerful. Words. The symbol comes to life for me. Because now when I see a peacock unfolding his feathers, I think of God's unfolding grace all around me.

And in me.

Our Maker is amazing. So much of His creation reminds us of the miracle of rebirth and resurrection. When I look around my living room at my peacock pieces, I'm reminded of a God that takes joy in me using my creativity in any positive capacity because it glorifies Him. I'm reminded of a Savior that renews my spirit so that I can share His love with others. I'm reminded of my truest Friend who longs for me to experience the beauty of the unforced rhythms of grace.

I bet if you look closely in your corner of the world, there is something that God can use to remind you of all that He has to offer. That seemingly inconsequential little feather motif at the top of your screen right now is there to remind you that the most inspiring and joyous miracle God can do in you is to MAKE YOU NEW.

What inspires you? How about placing some of those symbols around you to help you remember your dependence on Him and His love for you? ADAPT your environment to reflect His goodness, EXECUTE that creativity He's blessed you with, and ENJOY peace while trusting in the Son of God that gave His life for you.

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