Thursday, July 13, 2017

Where Talents and Burdens Collide

You know the feeling when you get when you read something that is everything you are experiencing, but didn't know how to put into words? So that just happened.
I've been reading "You Are Free" by Rebekah Lyons.  I found the third chapter entitled Called to be Free amazing in its impact on me.  The author takes her readers on the journey of how she discovered her calling when doubting her ability and credibility. I just have to share some of her deep thoughts/quotes that have inspired me and reminded me that God's purpose will be accomplished...and He wants me to be right there in the thick of His redemption miracle!

"The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet." -Frederick Buechner

"Callings are not one size fits all...
[It] isn't limited to vocation. It's rooted in God's creativity and how He designed us.
You may be called to what some believe is thankless work, but in God's economy it will be exactly where He wants you.
Calling is where talents and burdens collide.
God was inviting me to use gifts that make me come alive to redeem the things that broke my heart...He called me to participate with Him in the redemption of the world." -Rebekah Lyons

How powerful to have the assurance that I don't have to be perfect to be part of God's great plan! In fact, He works through my weakness, struggles, and brokenness because that is where I surrender and He is glorified.

Have you ever felt that the scope of your vision and strength of your passion is so great that it almost overwhelms you? I have. I sometimes find myself doubting I have the ability to see it through. We are not alone when we experience those emotions.  History is filled with people have been hesitant when they felt God's call, but went on to carry out His plan when the odds were stacked against them because of their faith. They embraced the truth that ultimately it wasn't about them; it's about the One who created them. 

I love this thought to carry with me when I feel intimidated, fear going deeper, or get discouraged when I experience a crash and burn moment-
"God didn't pick the wrong girl for ministry. The devil picked the wrong girl to mess with!"
-Rebekah Lyons

I find strength in remembering that the Lord knew everything about me before I was even born and longed for me to help build His kingdom even then. He chose me. He chose you.  And the peace and fullfilment of that reality can help us choose to be strong and courageous, knowing that He has equipped us and lives in us to empower us for our calling.

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