Friday, April 1, 2016

Creating Beauty on a Budget

After. So Pinterest worthy.
Don't you admire people that can take a bunch of odds and ends and turn them into a masterpiece? I mean, I get oodles of inspiration from Pinterest and consider myself pretty capable of putting my own twist on some of those fantastic ideas. But ever wonder who comes up with those pinworthy posts in the first place?  I happen to know- because my sis, Renee, is one of those people. That's not just me being prejudiced. An objective survey identified her signature strength as creativity.
And boy, does it show.

One of the coolest things about her brand of being creative is that she is careful to live within her means. Her family is currently finishing their beautiful home they designed and built in stages to stay out of debt. So very wise- but oh so challenging in our instant gratification society! Last fall, Renee decided that since the perfect fireplace installation was slated for the future, she needed to get creative with the unsightly hole in the wall in her living room now. 

It just wasn't helping her feel peaceful, calm, or satisfied with her surroundings when she wanted to relax in that space with her family after a long day at work. What could she do to make that unfinished room "rise up to meet her" and stay committed to her family's time table and spending plan in their house projects?
A work in progress...

I couldn't find a better example of my blog's slogan to adapt, execute, and enjoy than my sister's work to transform that empty space! Her adapting started with gathering meaningful things that bring her joy to collect or have sentimental value for her family. From gifts received, to special finds from road trips and vacations, to a stained glass window from the church her husband attended as a boy- the possibilities of what she could use to create good vibes seemed pretty limitless. Her executing took place when she decided that she could implement her plan immediately, regardless of the time of year. In fact, she uses the changing of the seasons to aid her with decorating ideas. Renee's seasonal execution keeps the room fresh and inspires her spirit. Now she is free to enjoy the room that is the first one she walks into at the end of the day because it greets her with her most special and favorite things. She experiences the feeling of satisfaction that she achieved her goal of having a focal point of beauty on a budget. True to her personality and character, she is most happy when she is using her signature strength of creativity. 
Christmas nativity- the beauty is in the simplicity
'Snow' much fun for winter!
She even takes it a step further to make it fun for her family by letting her two year old play in the decor. Her little guy loves to watch birds out the big picture window. When he found an injured baby robin out of its nest, he made it his mission to take care of that little bird until it was back on its feet (with parental support, of course). He is a hoot to watch moving the colored wooden bird eggs in and out of the nest in her spring display. I really kind of think that is a stroke of genius that she thought of a way to make her focal point interactive for him as well. How awesome is that?!
Look closely and you can see Henry's eggs...
Making memories during the process is a bonus.
By telling about her inspiration, I hope it might inspire you to take the initiative to gain fulfillment in some area of your life. You have nothing to gain by waiting for more money, more time, more fill-in-the-blank with whatever you feel you are lacking. But think of the satisfaction and happiness you'll experience bringing your own brand of peace and meaning to your surroundings. You know, it is never any better than it is right now, so stop waiting. Your ability to adapt, execute, and enjoy is going to enrich your life. YOU CREATE THE JOY THAT MAKES YOUR LIFE BETTER.


  1. I absolutely love this! I adore your blog. Your Mom shared the link with me (she is honestly one of my very favorite people) I'm so blessed to work with her daily.

    Your post about being a boy Mom made me smile big. I always say boys are the best.

    1. Thank you, Sara! So glad to hear you enjoy working with my mom. She's the best! I appreciate your positive feedback on my blog. :)

  2. I love being able to enjoy her creativity 5 days a week. Each new season brings beautiful surprises and inspiration for my own home. I'm also glad (and thankful) for her child friendly approach to decorating as Mr. H loves to add his own creative touches. ��

    1. Martha- You are such a blessing to my sister's family. Thank you for reading and give H a hug from his Aunt Lee Lee!
