Friday, October 21, 2016

Can You Feel the Love?

I love learning. I love books. I love kids. So it won't surprise you how much
And I don't have to look far to see other teachers that share that love. They exist in the very building I teach in every day. The evidence of this love is seen clearly when you notice the lengths they go to in creating an environment that reflects their beliefs and philosophy of education as well as the hopes they have related to their students.
Every year we as teachers have the incredible privilege to impact the lives of kids and their families. Why not make the most of our opportunity to have an inviting classroom that rises up to meet all who enter? Why not do everything in our power to ensure that our students AND their families have a sense of our purpose and intention to make this a successful and enriching year in their educational experience?  It not only seems like a great idea in theory, but it works in reality! Here are just a few examples courtesy of some fellow elementary teachers that have embraced the idea of branding their classroom. They have developed an identity that communicates their values as educators and a climate in which they feel their students can do their best learning. Check it out!

Kindergarten- Mrs. Jones

Second Grade- Mrs. Grant

Third Grade- Mrs. Wrye

Third Grade- Mrs. Kliethermes

One thing that amazes me is how many different ways these educators are able to leverage their resources and creativity for the benefit of their students. It's a double blessing for me. Not only am I able to interact, brainstorm ideas, and problem solve with these inventive colleagues, but, as their students, my own children have been the beneficiaries of their heartfelt desire to provide a quality, meaningful, and memorable year of learning against the backdrop of positive vibes of potential. Can you feel the love? I most definitely can! It is deeply fulfilling to ADAPT your classroom to reflect your values, take some risks to EXECUTE your creativity and ENJOY the rapport you build with your students in the unique setting made just for them.

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