Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Are We There Yet? - Living the Dream Update

I love watching Shark Tank. It's the creative in me, I guess. I'm fascinated by seeing how regular people take their original ideas and passion for their inventions from dream to reality. And then they have those follow-up segments several months later where you get updates on how their new businesses are succeeding in the real world. It helps answer that question I have often wondered, "Are they really going to make it?" It's just kind of cool to see someone who took a chance on their vision find a reward for the risk-taking and hard work. So, in the same vein, I'm blogging my own little update in seeing dreams become reality with the help of my vision board venture.
Back in January, I decided it was time to get inspired about making some dreams reality. I call it my 'desire to aspire' process. I created a visual of what I hope to feel/achieve as it relates to my purpose. I can't even describe how excited I am when I seize opportunities that are simple, yet profound, in how they are affecting the life I seek for myself and my family. I purposely left some open spots on my vision board. They worked out great to post 'evidence' of the positive aspects surrounding me on my journey in 2017!  Here are just a few of the ways I'm reaping from investing in my vision: 

One huge blessing of being more vulnerable with people
is experiencing overwhelming support when faced with
challenges. This is generating more joy in my journey.
Didn't expect to do a weight loss thing this year, but I realized
the way I was treating my body was not good for my soul, so
I got my courage up and lost 20 pounds...20 more to go!
I am passionate about the Makerspace
Movement and have embraced it in
my classroom.  I realized I didn't have
to be an expert to take a risk and it's
been awesome for my students!
Not gonna lie. This one brings tears to my
eyes.  It's been my dream to launch a
successful educational consulting career
in my passion to uplift and encourage
my fellow educators- and
My ultimate wish in sharing this update was to help empower anyone that is on this journey with me to make dreams a reality and achieve aspirations. YOU CAN DO IT. YOU ARE DOING IT. Take some time and reflect and appreciate what is happening in the present. Now, in the spirit of authenticity, I do notice that most of these vision/goals that are now my reality/achievements have to do with my profession and mindset. I have made peace with deciding that it is okay to reserve energy for some of the family/home hopes to attain to until summer. Hmm...I do believe that is holding myself to a standard of grace, not perfection! Boom. With that said, I'm going to be honest and say that I could be doing WAY better at my goal of "Always striving to give my spouse the very best of myself; not what's leftover after I've given my best to everyone else" (Dave Willis).  Fortunately, I am blessed with a very supportive husband that has lots of grace for me when I fall short.  That actually makes me even more determined to be the spouse that will help him the most. For me, summer is the prime time for creating margins to focus on the action of SIMPLIFYING. I am sure that will involve pruning some of the superfluous branches of my life that aren't yielding the fruit I desire to produce in my family. And although pruning isn't extremely fun and can even be painful, it's that same pruning that will allow me to grow to be a more fully present and engaged wife and mom- which is always a good thing.
One of my favorite mantras these days.
This one has been more challenging
than I would have thought.  I have lots
of work to do, but I am determined.
I keep coming back to the quote that kind of started this whole vision boarding thing in the first place: "Where your attention goes, your energy flows" (Christine Kane). While there are plenty of areas that still need my attention, I can say that my spiritual eyes have a sharper focus as I walk the daily path of desiring a joy-filled journey.  The results of these intentions and the awareness of embracing the progress I have made are sources of peace, happiness, and fulfillment in my purpose.  Creating a vision board has helped me ADAPT my habits to reflect the life I desire, have the courage to EXECUTE new experiences to deepen my calling, and ENJOY a life with richer meaning than I've ever known. I hope that you also have a way to measure your progress and fulfillment. Remember, you create the joy that makes your life better!

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