Friday, May 26, 2017

Makeover Magic - Going Farmhouse Chic

Ready, set, go- I'm diving into the farmhouse chic craze, folks! My kitchen has needed a little makeover magic for awhile now and I decided there's no time like the present.
Grabbed some knick knacks off the bookshelves,
painted a chalkboard label on the pitcher, and
I'm in love with my new centerpiece!

This is the before shot of the
centerpiece tray I "borrowed"
from the mancave. It's definitely been upgraded!
Summer is the season I put a little more TLC into my house because it does have a tendency to die a painful death suffer some neglect during the school year. (Can any fellow teachers relate?) Besides working on extra cleaning, purging, and organizing, I am also turning my creative self loose to rejuvenate my kitchen via upcycling. My PCM (Partner in Chaos Management = husband Mike) is a master at this, so I've enlisted his help and advice as I tackle these projects. We've only just started, but I'm pretty pleased with the direction we're headed. Watch out, Pinterest!
I feel like using canning jars as planters
is kind of a given in farmhouse chic, right?
But how cute are these succulents on a
suspended shelf in my kitchen window!

My PCM taught me how to use
the table saw to cut scrap wood
to the perfect shelf size. Girl power!

These succulents were a great buy at Lowe's and you
can't go wrong using clear jars for containers. Upcycling
glass as planters is really going green! 

How adorbs is this guy?!
Although I do not possess a green
 thumb, succulents don't need
much attention to stay
alive, so there's that. 
Haven't posted YouTube tutorials, but I can 'before' and 'after' picture with the best of them, you know! I am a big fan of using photos to document the transformation process. Know what else I'm a fan of? Saving bank! That's another big advantage of upcycling. Plus, incorporating pieces from our own pile of stuff is helping us be able to make our way through the garage once again. (See above comment regarding purging!) Stay tuned to my blog for more on makeover magic projects throughout the summer. :)
These metal letters are fun,
but small for the space. So I
just hot glued them to wood
blocks. Easy peasy!

Step two involved nailing
a picture hanger on the back.

Voila'! Fun sign on the soffit above cabinets!
As it is with every time I get creative, I experience the joy unique to being able to just "make" something. My favorite analogy about creativity is this: what play is to a child, creating is to adults. When kids are totally wrapped up in their play, time means nothing. Same...I get so caught up in creating that I lose track of time! It's called flow. And that kind of flow is very energizing. The burst of fulfillment that happens when I adapt and execute allows me to fully enjoy my surroundings as I engage with family and friends in my home. Remember, YOU CREATE THE JOY that makes your life better!

Have any makeover magic of your own to share? Feel free to comment below!

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